Excused absences for individual workshops
- Medical appointments or treatments.
- A family emergency (please do not abuse this excused absence).
- Internet failure (please do not abuse this excused absence).
Unexcused absences for individual workshops
- Family vacations.
- Non-medical appointments.
- Parent/carer forgetting about the workshop.
- A child having other activities (please organize all extracurricular activities accordingly).
- Absence for any other reason that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence.
Tardiness to group and individual workshops
Students must be online at least 5 minutes before the workshop starts and have their equipment ready. In the case of being late, the workshop cannot be prolonged.
Rescheduling policy for individual workshops
The workshop must be rescheduled 12 hours earlier unless there is a medical emergency. If the teacher is contacted less than 12 hours before the workshop is due to start, the workshop cannot be rescheduled and will count as conducted. To reschedule a workshop, contact Alice directly.
Please take the English workshops seriously and respect the teacher’s time and effort.
Programs are designed and carefully tailored to your child. Missing a workshop wastes the teacher’s time. How? The teacher loses a time slot that cannot be filled in less than 12 hours because many students book days/weeks in advance, and the teacher loses time to develop individualized, interactive digital material for your child.
Group workshop policies
There is no rescheduling, cancellation, or refund policy for group workshops. You have a chance to join four free group workshops every month as a free trial, and after that, all payments are non-refundable. There are many students in the group sessions. If you miss a workshop, you will not be able to transfer this payment to the next group workshop for practical, organizational, and technical reasons.
Refund and cancellation policy for individual workshops
Elloquent does not issue any refunds for practical and technical reasons. You can only pause having workshops and/or reschedule until your package is finished. When you book an individual workshop, all payments are definite. You can join the free monthly group sessions if you want to join some sessions before purchasing an individual package.
Please note that you can choose a course package and a teacher when buying a course. If you want to study with Laura and Alice (two teachers), you can buy two-course packs or wait until the current course pack is finished before starting a new course.